
Watch: Illegal Aliens End Hunger Strike After Winning $2.1B in Taxpayer-Funded Aid from Andrew Cuomo

Source: Breitbart

Illegal aliens are ending their 23-day hunger strike after successfully lobbying New York state Democrats and Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) to provide them with billions in taxpayer-funded aid.

While more than a million jobs have been lost in New York and an estimated 80,000 New York businesses may not make it to the end of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, Cuomo and state Democrats will provide $2.1 billion in stimulus checks and unemployment-style benefits to nearly 200,000 illegal aliens.

In comparison, as Breitbart News reported, small businesses devastated by the pandemic are receiving just $1 billion in tax credits and grants — $1.1 billion less than illegal aliens in the state.

Many illegal aliens who stand to benefit from the aid are ending the 23-day hunger strike they started last month, eating a meal at a victory rally on Wednesday.

Previous estimates suggested illegal aliens could receive up to $28,600 a year thanks to the taxpayer-funded benefits approved by Cuomo. Weekly, illegal aliens could receive $500. For those unemployed since March 2020, illegal aliens could receive, on average, $12,600.

New York, and particularly New York City, has been ravaged by Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio’s (D) economic lockdown measures that have now been in place for more than a year. Historic venues, hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, and local neighborhood spots have had to close their doors for good as a result of the lockdowns.

Those forced to close include The Roosevelt hotel in Midtown East, which opened in 1924; the Copacabana nightclub, which opened in 1940; The Paris Cafe, which opened in 1873; and Empire Coffee & Tea, which opened in 1908, among hundreds of others.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

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