
Two Migrant Children Abandoned by Smugglers Found in California Wilderness near Border

Source: Breitbart

San Diego Sector Border Patrol agents found two small children after human smugglers abandoned them near Jacumba, California. The children were alone and crying when agents found them.

Agents patrolling the border near Jacumba observed a man and woman walking along the Mexican side of the border. The agents continued watching the couple who also had two small children with them, according to information obtained from San Diego Sector Border Patrol officials.

The agents observed the couple hoisting two children over large boulders in an area where the border wall ends. The side of the mountain abuts the large boulders.

Agents moved in and found the two children alone and crying. The agents determined the boy to be six years old and the girl to be five years old. The children could not communicate except to provide their names.

Agents transported the children to the station for care and processing. While examining the children, the agents found a handwritten note containing the mother’s name and phone number. The children also had the mother’s phone number and name written on their forearms with a marker.

Following the examination, the agents contacted the mother and obtained additional information about the children. When space becomes available, the children will be turned over to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services officials for temporary housing.

“It is unconscionable that anyone would abandon these small children and those responsible for smuggling events like this will be aggressively prosecuted,” San Diego Sector Chief Patrol Agent Aaron Heitke said in a written statement.  “Thankfully, our agents were able to quickly rescue these siblings.”

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

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