
Transgender Alleged Child Sexual Predator Now Advertising ‘Sissy Porn’ on Twitter

Source: Women are Human

US — New York. Andi Dier, who identifies as a woman, became a brief internet sensation in 2018 after harassing Rose McGowan at a promotional event for her book, Brave, leading McGowan to subsequently cancel all upcoming public appearances. Dier is now advertising sissy porn on Reddit.

Sissy porn (or hypno porn) is a type of short video, still image or gif aimed at men who wish to become a ‘sissy’. The posts show males who have been ‘sissified’, through being forced to put on makeup, wear lingerie, and sexually submit themselves to ‘real men’. The genre portrays women as weak, with no dignity, and eroticizes rape.

Shortly after Dier harassed McGowan, some media outlets described McGowan as having thrown a “privilege-tantrum” or having “a transphobic rage“, and The Seattle Arts & Lectures cancelled its upcoming event with her.

The Women’s March also sided with Dier, encouraging its Twitter followers to read an interview with Dier, in which McGowan is accused of a “privilege-flaunting rant”, “full of transphobic dog whistles”, and of “portraying herself as a victim”. The Women’s March tweet makes no reference to Harvey Weinstein (allegedly) raping McGowan, which McGowan details in her book.

That same day, McGowan announced she was cancelling all remaining events.

At the same time as some media outlets and the Women’s March were vilifying McGowan, women started coming forward with their stories of Dier preying on them when they were young teens.

A Twitter user put together “receipts of racism/racial fetishization, pedophilic animated pornography, sissification and trans fetishization, among others”.

Another women compiled a video, showing “the two faces” of Andi Dier: the public face and the “real Andi Dier”

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