
Police Chief Admits In Court Derek Chauvin’s Knee Was On George Floyd’s Shoulder Blade And Not Neck

Source: Great Game

During Derek Chauvin’s trial his lawyer cast doubts on the widely believed assumption that Chauvin knelt on the neck of George Floyd for more than nine minutes. His line of questioning was based on Camera Perspective Bias. During cross-examination the Chief of Police admitted that Chauvin’s knee was on George Floyd’s shoulder blade after shown body cam video from another perspective side-by-side.

Police Chief Admits In Court Derek Chauvin's Knee Was On George Floyd’s Shoulder Blade And Not Neck

On 5th April, Medaria Arradondo, the Minneapolis Police Chief testified that under no circumstances should Derek Chauvin have knelt on the neck of Floyd after he stopped resisting.

He emphasized that the new fired cop “defied his own training and the department’s mission of compassion” by continuing “to apply that level of force to a person proned out.”

He admitted that at that time, the Minneapolis Police Chief permitted officers to use “conscious neck restraints” with “light to moderate” pressure.

Eric Nelson, Derek Chauvin’s lawyer, asked Medaria Arradondo, if he knew about “camera perspective bias.”

Medaria Arradondo said ‘no’.

The lawyer played 2 videos (30 seconds long) of Chauvin restraining the African American:

  • police body cam footage from former officer Alexander Kueng and
  • bystander Darnella Frazier’s video

These clips showed that from former officer Alexander Kueng’s angle the knee of defendant seemed to be on the shoulder blade of George Floyd and not on his neck when paramedics arrived at the scene.

“Would you agree that from the perspective of Officer Kueng’s body camera it appeared Officer Chauvin’s knee was more on Mr. Floyd’s shoulder blade?” asked the defence attorney.

“Yes,” Arradondo responded.

But prosecution jumped in, arguing that clip features very limited time period like 30 seconds.

Dr. Bradford Wankhede Langenfeld was the senior medical resident on duty when Floyd was transported to HCMC.

Testifying on Monday he stated that Floyd did not have a heartbeat “sufficient to sustain life” upon the paramedics’ arrival, adding that he believes that his patient’s cardiac arrest was caused by a lack of oxygen – “asphyxia.”

Dr. Andrew Baker, Hennepin County Chief Medical Examiner previously ruled that Floyd died of cardiac arrest.

The state’s criminal complaint against Chauvin said that the autopsy “revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation.”

The Star Tribune drew attention to the fact on 3rd April that the prosecution hired at least 6 outside medical experts.

These experts also include a forensic pathologist that can help prove that George died due to asphyxia.

Defence team of Chauvin highlighted that “Dr. Baker found none of what are referred to as the telltale signs of asphyxiation.”

In the opening statement defense attorney of Chauvin argued that Floyd’s cardiac arrest was caused by drug overdose.

As per detailed autopsy report, wide range of psychoactive substances was found in the system of Floyd at the time of his death.

Experts say the level of these substances found in his body may be fatal to some people.

Courteney Ross, the girlfriend of George Floyd revealed in court that George Floyd was with a drug dealer before his arrest.

They both purchased opioids from a friend who was the drug dealer in the passenger seat of Floyd’s car on the day he died.

She also revealed that Floyd was addicted to Oxycodone – a prescription opioid painkiller.

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, according to evidence submitted to the court, George Floyd swallowed drugs to escape arrest in 2019 and was peddling large quantities of controlled substances.

He had to be hospitalized for drug overdose where he admitted to snorting oxycodone daily.

George Floyd was under the influence of fentanyl and methamphetamine at the time of arrest.

He went to jail for atleast 5 times and a look at George Floyd’s profile as per court documents reads like a career criminal involved in drug abuse, theft, criminal trespassing, aggravated robbery as well as entering a woman’s home and pointing a gun at her stomach while looking for drugs and money.

On 31 March 2021, a store clerk told the court that George “appeared to be high” while he handed over a counterfeit $20 bill.

On 11 March 2021, Fox News showed the police camera footage. It shows that George was out of control on the day of his arrest and had foam around his mouth.

He started saying that he “can’t breathe” long before he was put to the ground.

Experts suggested this condition would have been caused by drug overdose.

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