
Biden Spends $86M On Hotels For Illegal Immigrants, Considering Flying Some To Northern States

Source: Chicks on the Right

OPINION | This article contains political commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.

There are a couple of objective truths about the current state of affairs in the country that not even the selectively blind Left can deny. First, our country is severely in debt because we are spending ridiculous amounts of money that we don’t have on unnecessary things. Second, the policies of the Biden Administration have created an unprecedented crisis at our southern border as hundreds of thousands of migrants surge into the country.

So imagine my surprise when I saw these couple of headlines.

Business Insider reported, “Biden is spending $86 million on hotel rooms for migrants as his administration struggles to handle the surge of families and kids trying to come to the US.”

86 million of your hard earned tax payer dollars are being used to get hotel rooms for  illegal immigrants. Nevermind that millions of legal taxpaying American citizens are struggling to pay their rent in the wake of months of unnecessary lockdowns. Nevermind that the Biden Administration has spent trillions of taxpayer dollars that they don’t have on liberal pet projects, while giving only $1400 of the promised $2000 back to fewer citizens than originally promised.

And it gets worse. This $86 million contract for hotel rooms is intended to house only 1,200 migrants. According to Axios,

“The Biden administration has awarded an $86 million contract for hotel rooms near the border to hold around 1,200 migrant family members who cross the U.S.-Mexico border, DHS officials confirmed to Axios.”

Let’s do some math.

86 million divided by 1,200 “migrant family members” is about $71,666.

If the contract is for 6 months, let’s say that’s 180 days for easy math. So 71,666 divided by 180 days.

That means $398 per illegal immigrant, per day.

I’ll tell you right now, a $400/person/day hotel room is way more expensive than I’ve ever paid for. What kind of hotel rooms are they getting? Multi-room suits with a kitchenette, indoor pool, and made-to-order breakfasts? Certainly not a budget or cost effective hotel room.

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Are they serious that President Biden is spending almost $400 of your hard earned tax dollars on each illegal immigrant that he encouraged to come to the US despite being woefully unprepared and unequipped?

That is abso-freaking-lutely outrageous.

Imagine if Biden put his own citizens first and gave the $86 million back to the citizens whose money it is in the first place. Or maybe spent that $86 million on housing and caring for wounded and homeless veterans who served and fought for our country. Or better yet, what if he saved the $86 million to pay down the other unnecessary and superfluous debts he has accrued in the last two months.

And then there’s this.

The Biden Administration is considering flying some of the illegal immigrants who are swarming the southern border up the the northern border, which is less overwhelmed. Yes, I’m serious.

So people illegally cross into our country (after much encouragement by the Biden Administration and the man himself), and then they want to reward them with a flight up to the northern border, compliments of the American taxpayers? Compliments of you?

So either you’re paying $400 a day for a hotel room or you’re buying a plane ticket. Do you know how many hard working and tax paying Americans can’t even afford to pay their own rent, much less to fly across the country? And now their own president wants to spend their money on plane tickets for people who come into the country illegally?

This is absolutely absurd.

A prime example of the “America last” mentality of the Biden Administration.

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