
Prankster Performs “Vaccinated Only” Carriage Social Experiment

Source: Summit News

A YouTuber performed a social experiment by telling passengers on the London Underground that only vaccinated people could use certain carriages, with mixed results.

The satirist, who goes by the name Social Experimentalist, posed as a COVID Marshal, wearing a high-vis jacket, while holding a sign that said “vaccinated only.”

He then proceeded to tell passengers that they needed to be vaccinated to stay in the carriage, with several commuters acknowledging the prankster’s authority by confirming they were jabbed.

In the second sequence, the prankster experiences some resistance from an Irish woman, who asks him, “Do you want me to put on a yellow star as well?”

Much of the resistance is based around the fact that the prankster identifies as working on behalf of a separate private corporation and not Transport for London.

The prankster then gets on another carriage and begins demanding to know if people have been vaccinated, some of whom confirm that they have.

Another woman then challenges the prankster, asserting that the situation is “absolute bullshit,” while another man complains that he is “not TFL staff.”

Another two men then confirm to the prankster that they have been vaccinated, then another individual gets on and actually conforms to an even greater degree by showing his vaccination certificate.

The passengers then appear to begin to realize that the whole thing is a stunt and are more concerned about children being filmed on camera.

The video ends with people asking if one jab is enough to be allowed on the vaccinated carriage, while an elderly woman enthusiastically obeys by confirming she has been vaccinated before boarding.

The takeaway from the video is that numerous people fully complied with the situation, while others challenged it, but may cave in future so long as the person enforcing vaccinated-only carriages is working for Transport for London.

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