
Radio Host Says “Racists” Should Have Bank Accounts, Citizenship Stripped

Source: Summit News

Radio host Mike Graham has called for “racists” to be stripped of their bank accounts, passports and other life necessities, an interesting assertion given that Graham himself has been denounced as a racist numerous times before.

Graham was responding to a controversy in the UK over racist social media posts targeting black England football players, despite evidence suggesting the vast majority of the messages were sent by people in India and other South Asian and Middle Eastern countries.

“I’ve got a plan, the time has come to not only find these people, not only to prosecute them for their lawless behavior, but also basically to excommunicate them from our society,” said Graham.

“So forget about locking them up, forget about throwing away the key, forget about banning them from football stadiums – I’ve got a better idea, instead, let’s make it impossible for them to actually have a life – no bank account, no ability to travel, no passport, no benefits, nothing.

“Forget kick it out, let’s kick them out, we don’t need them, Britain doesn’t need them, adios amigos.”

Apparently, according to Graham, racists should be treated worse than convicted violent criminals and basically the same as terrorists in being stripped of their citizenship and made stateless.

Nowhere in Graham’s rant did he specify who gets to decide who is a racist and on what basis. Is booing ‘take a knee’ racist? Should someone be treated like an ISIS jihadist because they don’t like Black Lives Matter?

The sheer weapons grade idiocy of Graham’s proposal is underscored by the fact that he has been accused of being a racist on numerous previous occasions.

In 2019, Graham said “I hate polls” live on air, prompting a listener to phone in and accuse him of being racist for hating Polish people.

In the mind of the caller, that was racist and under his own “plan” for ending racism Graham should have his bank account and passport seized.

Last year, Graham was more seriously accused of “anti-Irish racism” after he repeatedly called Twitter user John O’Connell a “Paddy” several times.

“Mr Graham has not only weaponized child sex abuse in pursuit of a petty social media dispute, but he has distributed a racist trope in which, on the basis of his victim’s perceived nationality he has abused his intelligence in a public forum,” said Call It Out, an anti-racism organization.

Once again, if so-called “racists” should be stripped of their passports, bank accounts and more, Mike Graham would be sleeping on the streets because he has been denounced as a racist on numerous occasions.

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