Source: Zero Hedge
The creator of the revisionist (and highly inaccurate) ‘1619 project,’ Nikole Hannah-Jones, has rejected an offer to serve as the chair of the University of North Carolina journalism department, and will instead take a similar position at Howard University, she told CBS on Tuesday.
Jones had originally been offered a contract position by UNC for what has traditionally been a tenured role, after a board member challenged her for not having a ‘traditional academic background,’ which led to a massive backlash that eventually caused the college to reverse course – voting 9-4 to accept her application last week.
“It’s a very difficult decision, not one I wanted to make,” Jones told CBS host Gayle King, adding “To be denied it (tenure) to only have that vote occur on the last possible day, at the last possible moment, after threat of legal action, after weeks of protest, after it became a national scandal, it’s just not something that I want anymore.“
JUST IN: Award-winning journalist @nhannahjones reveals on @CBSThisMorning she has declined the University of North Carolina’s offer for tenure and will be the inaugural Knight Chair in Race and Reporting at @HowardU.
— CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) July 6, 2021
UNC’s initial refusal to offer Jones a tenured position sparked outrage among black students. Meanwhile, faculty at the college’s Hussman School of Journalism and Media on Tuesday said they were ‘disappointed, but not surprised’ at Jones’ decision.
As the Daily Mail notes:
Hannah-Jones’ attorneys announced in late June that she would not report for work without tenure.
Earlier this year, Hannah-Jones’ tenure application was halted because she did not come from a ‘traditional academic-type background,’ and trustee Charles Duckett, who vets lifetime appointments, wanted more time to consider her qualifications, university leaders had said.
When the vote was taken Wednesday, Duckett voted to approve her tenure application.
Jones won a Pulitzer Price for the New York Times Magazine‘s 1619 project – for which the paper has issued major corrections – seeks to portray America as a fundamentally racist nation founded for the sole reason of oppressing black people (The Federalist). She claims that the desire to maintain a system of slavery was held by “all of” the colonists who fought in the Revolutionary War – claims which The Times was forced to retract – revising it to “some of” the colonists.
Meanwhile, historians have called out the 1619 project for other inaccuracies.
While embroiled in disputes with respected historians about the project’s historical inaccuracies, the corporate media outlet also quietly omitted the controversial “founding” claim “understanding 1619 as our true founding” from the description of the project sometime after August 2019. At the time of this revision’s discovery, Hannah-Jones tried to defend her comments as rhetorical without acknowledging the long list of previous instances where she made the same exact claim that America’s “true founding” occurred in 1619 when the first African slaves arrived in Virginia, as opposed to 1776. -The Federalist
In short – a race baiting revisionist is now going to inspire the hearts and minds of black journalists at Howard University, instead of mostly white journalists at UNC.