
Exclusive – Rep. Scott Perry: Biden Infrastructure Plan Amounts to ‘China First Policy’

Source: Breitbart

Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview Thursday that President Joe Biden’s infrastructure plan amounts to a “China First Policy” that also fails to revitalize America’s dwindling infrastructure.

Perry spoke to Breitbart News as Biden has unveiled his $2.5 trillion infrastructure plan, which many Republicans have decried as failing to revitalize America’s infrastructure.

Perry, who represents Pennsylvania’s 10th congressional district, said his state and district could benefit from a properly designed infrastructure plan; however, he said Biden’s plan does not meet the mark.

He emphasized the bill should focus on building physical infrastructure and not focus on social spending such as child care.

The Pennsylvania conservative said, “There’s a lot of constructors in the area. There’s a lot of employers and constructors that work in infrastructure, be it highways and bridges, airports, ports, broadband, cable, sewer, gas. They get it. Here’s what they don’t get: when they call it infrastructure and then spend money on child care. Calling it infrastructure and then spending money on electric charging stations. Most of these people buy gasoline or diesel fuel for their vehicles and their machinery, and they’re happy that those facilities exist.”

Breitbart News’ Charlie Spiering reported 25 percent of the $2.5 trillion infrastructure funds basic infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and railways.

“Don’t call it infrastructure and then go and spend 75 percent to 90 percent of a huge, monumental bill on things that are completely unrelated and think that we’re not going to notice and say something about it,” Perry added.

Biden’s infrastructure hopes to boost the economy as America continues to grapple with the coronavirus pandemic. However, multiple studies found Biden’s plan could have drastic effects on America’s economic recovery.

The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) released its study that revealed Biden’s plan could potentially result in one million lost jobs in the first years of its passage.

The University of Pennsylvania’s budget estimate found the plan could reduce gross domestic product (GDP) by .8 percent by 2050.

Perry said the Biden administration has lied about this bill’s job creation potential and other initiatives.

He said, “We’ve also seen the Biden administration literally lie about job creation in this bill and others where they’ve attributed huge numbers of job growth and then got four Pinocchio’s in the Washington Post, which is not typically a bastion of conservative thought and opinion and discourse.”

Although Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said Democrats could pass another bill, such as infrastructure, Biden signaled he is willing to compromise with Republicans on the infrastructure plan through budgetary reconciliation.

Perry said he is “skeptical” of Biden’s talk about bipartisanship.

“This president talked about unity and then has summarily and systematically shut out any Republican voices during his tenure so far on huge issues such as immigration, international affairs with China, and the COVID relief package,” Perry said.

Perry said the infrastructure plan would include climate change policies that would only hurt America’s competitiveness against China.

For instance, the bill would include funding electric vehicles and electric vehicle charging stations, electric school buses, and clean energy technology.

Perry said, “What we’re not interested in doing is talking about infrastructure when it’s the Green New Deal, which is tantamount to a China First Policy.”

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.

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